Reproductive Health & Wellness

What Happens to Your Fertility Over Time? - Verdant
Want kids one day, but not today? Feel like your fertility is a mysterious black...
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - The Basics - Verdant
We discuss the ins and outs of IVF, a method of conception by fertilizing an egg with sperm in precise lab environments.
5 Questions To Ask Your OB/GYN - Verdant
Five important conversations to have with your provider before you get to the delivery room.
Sexual Pleasure 101 - Verdant
Let’s talk about sex. And no, this isn’t your middle school Sex Ed teacher talk. We cover a general understanding of what’s going on down there with tips and tricks to feel pleasure.
Periods: The Before, During, and After - Verdant
Discover what exactly happens throughout your menstrual cycle.
The Surprising Relationship Between your Thyroid & Fertility - Verdant
Most people associate the thyroid with mood swings and weight fluctuations, but this small gland also plays a role in fertility. Discover how.
Mood & the Menstrual Cycle - Verdant
Learn about the various ways that our cycles can impact our mood.
The Uses of Birth Control - Verdant
When most people think of birth control, they associate it with pregnancy prevention. But, birth control can actually help with several other health needs.
Pelvic Health 101 - Verdant
What is your pelvic floor? What does it do, and how might it change over time?
Fertility 101 - Verdant
What even is fertility? What happens during conception, and how do we get there?
Myths About Morning Sickness - Verdant
Wondering why we feel morning sickness? We're here to help you understand the basics by deconstructing some common myths that you may have encountered along the way.
Why Is Sex Painful For Women? - Verdant
Experience pain during sex? Nearly half of us do at some point. By exploring what may be causing your discomfort, you can take steps to understand and prioritize sexual pleasure.